
Formed in 2014, the Ballenas Interact Club continues to attract an enthusiastic and compassionate group of young people, giving us all hope for our future and the future of Rotary.

The Rotary Club of Parksville presents Interact with a cheque in the amount of $1000 at the beginning of each school year.  Shown at right are Rotarians Bill Rawlins and Marianne O’Brien (at either end), with Ballenas Principal, Trish Cathrin and Interact Co-Presidents, Katie McCulloch, Ella Brown and JJ Gutiérrez in centre.

Projects undertaken in 2023-24 have included:

  • Christmas Gift Shoe Box campaign
  • Hallow-een food and clothing drive
  • Personal hygiene bags for the unsheltered in our community
  • KIVA loans for budding business owners in the developing world
  • Fundraising through recycling at Ballenas
  • Mexico Spring Break – 8 Interact students will be helping to build a home in the Baja, Mexico
  • Legacy Project – a second flagpole at the school

The Darryl Craig Award is presented annually, providing Paul Harris recognition to an exemplary student.   Photo shows 2024 Award recipient, JJ Gutiérrez  with presenters, Jill Wilkie and Honorary Rotarian, Ian Dewar.

The Rotary Club of Parksville also provides three scholarships to graduating Ballenas students, two for academic studies, the other for trades.

Interact members participate annually in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program, developing their skills as leaders while having fun and making connections.